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Best Holiday Breakfast Tradition

This is our best holiday breakfast tradition! Making a giant, supersized cinnamon roll with my kids in preparation for Christmas or Easter morning has quickly become one of the most anticipated holiday events in our house. We have also made it for birthdays as a fun morning treat.  This giant cinnamon roll  has all of the delicious flavor of individual cinnamon rolls but with a visual presentation that demands attention! Bake it with the gusto it deserves, and you will not be disappointed.

super sized cinnamon roll in a white pie dish after baking

Why We Make this Super-Sized Cinnamon Roll

This is a recipe which works well with kid participation, and in fact is the most fun that way.  Although giant, it is a simple dough to start.  In terms of enjoying the process of cooking together, I like that there are several steps with waiting and watching that helps build the kids’ anticipation.

The Ingredients You Will Need

cinnamon sticks, bread flour, yeast, white sugar in a bowl, 1 egg, cinnamon in a bowl, and bowl of brown sugar

Even if you are only an occasional baker, you likely have the necessary items to make this super-sized cinnamon roll.

For the dough, all you need is 1 package active dry yeast (this is also equal to 2 1/4 tsp dry yeast),  ¾ cup warm water, ¼ cup white sugar, ¾  tsp salt, 1 egg, at room temperature, 2 ½ cups bread flour, ¼ cup butter, softened, ½ cup brown sugar, and 1 T cinnamon.

And for the frosting, you will need ½ cup powdered sugar, 6 T milk, and ½ tsp vanilla.

A note about bread flour vs all purpose flour:  Although you can definitely use all purpose for this recipe, according to King Arthur Baking Company, the type of flour impacts the texture of your baked good.  Bread flour has more protein, making it a stretchier dough and a better result for this type of baked good.

The Super-Sized Cinnamon Roll Process

This recipe works best if you prepare the dough the night before, and let it rest covered in the refrigerator.

First, dissolve yeast in warm water in a large bowl. Let it stand until it bubbles/ foams with a pinch of sugar (8-10 minutes).  Then, add white sugar and salt, and next add ½ cup flour and the egg, then stir well.

Add remaining flour gradually as you stir, forming an elastic dough.

Put the dough onto a  floured surface and knead for 5-10 minutes until the dough becomes smooth and easily forms a large ball. Then, cover with a cloth and leave for 10 minutes.

While the dough rests, grease a 9” round pie dish. With a rolling pin, roll out dough on the floured surface into a long oval or rectangle shape, about 10” in length and ¼ in thick.

Spread butter over entire surface of dough. Then, sprinkle brown sugar and cinnamon evenly on the surface.

Using a pizza cutter, cut dough into six, 1 ½ inch wide strips.

Loosely roll up one strip at a time, starting in the center of the pie dish, with cinnamon and sugar side in. Continue to roll each strip around the previous in a spiral pattern.

Kid Tip:  I am certain that if practiced meticulously, the result would be perfectly symmetric and even thickness of rollable dough strips.  At our house, we try not to focus on perfection in the kitchen, but more the process and laughing at the errors.  I let the kids cut the strips and roll them up in the pan, which often ends an irregular design that we find the most fun!  (Let’s be honest, even if I am doing it on my own it is irregularly shaped.). Regardless of the final shape it takes,  this is a delicious and fun addition to holiday brunches or birthday breakfast gatherings.  We hope you can enjoy it too!

Cover the dish with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.

In the morning, about 1 1/2 hours before you want to serve it, get the cinnamon roll out of the fridge and let sit at room temp for 1 hour.

Bake at 325 ° for 30 minutes uncovered, turn in oven for even browning and cook uncovered 10 min longer. Then cover with foil and cook 10 more minutes covered or until center is set and not gummy.

The Final Stage: Frosting

I like to sift powdered sugar through a sieve or whisk clumps out in a medium mixing bowl.  Then, add milk gradually, to desired consistency.  It could end up to be a bit more than 6 T to achieve desired consistency.  Add vanilla last, stirring to combine.  Drizzle desired amount on top of warm cinnamon roll! If you like a lot of icing, be sure to double or triple this recipe.  Serve warm.

Some Tips to Keep in Mind

  • We live at mile high altitude, so things rise quickly.  This recipe is written for lower altitudes but adjust according to your location for sure. Super, super-sized cinnamon roll will result if you let rise too long!
  • We love this ceramic pie pan you can purchase on Amazon for this super-sized cinnamon roll.
  • If you are having this for a special occasion, don’t forget to treat yourself and the adults at the celebration with this chocolate liqeuer coffee  or this spiced vanilla coffee creamer.
  • We also recommend this veggie frittata to accompany this super-sized treat!


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super sized cinnamon roll in a white pie dish after baking

Super-Sized Cinnamon Roll

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5 from 1 review

  • Author: Gnarly Roots
  • Total Time: 2 hours
  • Yield: 7-8 servings 1x


This giant treat has all of the delicious flavor of individual cinnamon rolls but with a visual presentation that demands attention! Bake it with the gusto it deserves, and you will not be disappointed.

*SPECIAL NOTE: Keep in mind you prepare this a day ahead, as it rests over night in the refrigerator for best results.


  • 1 pkg active dry yeast
  • ¾ cup warm water
  • ¼ cup white sugar
  • ¾ tsp salt
  • 1 egg, at room temp
  • 2 ½ cups bread flour
  • ¼ cup butter, softened
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • 1 T cinnamon



  • 1 ½ cups powdered sugar
  • 6 T milk
  • ½ tsp vanilla


  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water in a large bowl. Let stand until bubbles/ foams with a pinch of sugar (8-10 minutes).
  2. Add white sugar and salt.
  3. Add ½ cup flour and the egg, then stir well.
  4. Add remaining flour gradually as you stir, forming an elastic dough.
  5. Put on floured surface and knead for 5-10 minutes until the dough becomes smooth and easily forms a large ball.
  6. Cover with a cloth and leave for 10 minutes.
  7. While dough rests, grease a 9” round pie dish.
  8. With a rolling pin, roll out dough on the floured surface into a long oval or rectangle shape, about 10” in length and ¼ in thick.
  9. Spread butter over entire surface of dough.
  10. Sprinkle brown sugar and cinnamon evenly on the surface.
  11. Using a pizza cutter, cut dough into six, 1 ½ inch wide strips.
  12. Loosely roll up one strip at a time, starting in the center of the pie dish, with cinnamon and sugar side in. Continue to roll each strip around the previous in a spiral pattern.
  13. Cover the dish with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
  14. In the morning, get out of the fridge and let sit at room temp for 1 hour.
  15. Bake at 325 degrees for 30 minutes uncovered, turn in oven for even browning and cook uncovered 10 min longer. Then cover with foil and cook 10 more minutes covered or until center is set and not gummy.

For the frosting:

  1. Sift powdered sugar through a sieve or whisk clumps out in a medium mixing bowl.
  2. Add milk gradually, adding a bit more to achieve desired consistency.
  3. Add vanilla and stir to combine.
  4. Drizzle on top of warm cinnamon roll, slice and serve!


  • This recipe is written for lower altitudes but adjust according to your location for sure. Super, super-sized cinnamon roll will result if you let rise too long!
  • For the frosting, you can vary the amount of sugar and milk to desired consistency.
  • Can double this to have extra frosting, which often kids enjoy!
  • Prep Time: 1 hour 20 min
  • Cook Time: 20-30 min





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