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Beth & Jamie

Hi, we are Beth Rello and Jamie Schreckler…but before that, we were Beth and Jamie Antilla.  Growing up together, like most sisters, we had many adventures and a lot of togetherness.  But now, we both have our own families and live states apart.  We started Gnarly Roots, as one way to stay connected through food and fun, which has been ingrained in us from our childhood.

Our journey in cooking began at ages 8 and 10 making goulash, witches brew, and tuna casserole. The ingredients to these are top secret and best left forgotten! Our early culinary adventures continued, living together for periods in college in Austin, Texas (GO Longhorns!).  It is best for us NOT to post those recipes but we have some funny memories.

Truth…We are not gourmet chefs, but we have years of experience searching for and refining recipes that work for us and our families! Our recipe and entertainment posts highlight the importance of the meal prep process not always being perfect. We also share tips and insights we are learning as we go. Our goals are to make great meals while also being busy moms and to find reliable go-to recipes for entertaining or feeding the fam. While we are doing this living states apart, it is a fun journey to learn each other’s processes.

Gnarly Roots Recipes is our collection of family, weeknight favorites, kid-friendly meals, and “cooking with kids” recipes. We also share some of our special family traditions, including holiday and entertaining ideas we have gathered over the years.

Beth is a mom of two, an entrepreneur, and a mortgage broker.  She is living the good life in Austin, Texas with her charismatic, creative, and very French husband, Fred. They enjoy the lake life, accommodating a revolving door of out-of-town visitors, and traveling to Europe to see family.

Jamie, also a mom of two, is a pediatric occupational therapist and freelance writer.  She lives happily near gorgeous Denver, Colorado with her supportive and golf-obsessed husband, Trevor, where they enjoy the baseball family lifestyle and entertaining neighbors, friends, and family whenever they can.

Being busy moms who love to cook when we have time but who also recognize how precious time is, we wanted to share it all. There is no good food or good fun without family and good friends. More than sisters, we are the best of friends, and here in Gnarly Roots, we share some of our favorite culinary celebrations and also solid recipes that just get us through the week.  We hope you will join us!


signatures of Beth & Jamie

Beth Rello and Jamie Schreckler, Gnarly Roots Sisters

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