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Jamie Schreckler

A piece of chocolate cake on a white cake stand. Cinnamon sticks lay in a heart shaped blue bowl next to the cake stand.
Best Chocolate Cake Ever Baked GoodsDessertsDessertsKids FavoritesValentines
April 10, 2024

Best Chocolate Cake Ever

This cake is my absolute favorite and has been my preferred birthday cake since I was a child!  It has the perfect combination of light chocolate cake with a rich, velvety icing.  You can bake it like a Texas Sheet Cake or in a regular 9X13 glass baking dish. Either way it is delicious!   Best Chocolate Cake Ever Ingredients From the pantry, you will need all-purpose flour, sugar, baking…
No Bake Chocolate Cookies laid out on wax paper
No Bake Cocoa Oatmeal Cookies DessertsDessertsEasterKids Favorites
April 10, 2024

No Bake Cocoa Oatmeal Cookies

This recipe for no bake cocoa oatmeal cookies is a favorite fast and delicious dessert idea.  The combination of chocolate and coconut flavor with the coarse texture of oats makes these cookies uniquely appealing. This recipe has been floating around our family archives forever, however, none of us remember where it came from! It is scribbled on a scratch piece of paper in my recipe binder like an afterthought.  But…
Roasted asparagus and pancetta on a white plate
Roasted Asparagus with Pancetta ChristmasEasterVegetarianVeggie SidesVeggie Sides
March 28, 2024

Roasted Asparagus with Pancetta

Asparagus is a favorite veggie in our house, and this recipe for roasted asparagus with pancetta is one of our go-to side dishes.  The pancetta adds so much flavor yet not any extra effort.   Roasted Asparagus with Pancetta Ingredients This recipe is simple, and you only need 6 ingredients.  First, shop for 1 lb. of fresh asparagus.  I like to find asparagus that is medium thickness when I am…
Banana cake with rum butter glaze
Banana Cake with Butter Rum Frosting Baked GoodsDessertsDessertsEaster
March 21, 2024

Banana Cake with Butter Rum Frosting

If you love the banana flavor, try this banana cake with butter rum frosting.  It is a family favorite for Sunday night dinner or just when celebrating having a few over-ripe bananas.  You will love the frosting which packs robust flavor and sweetness. Ingredients for Banana Cake For this recipe, you will need cake flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar, salt, butter, eggs, 2-3 ripe bananas (equalling 1 cup when…
Mediterranean Chicken Pasta prepared on a bed of pasta and garnished with parsley
Mediterranean Chicken Pasta ChickenDinnerMain CoursesMain DishesPastaSpring FlingsSummer Lovin'
March 5, 2024

Mediterranean Chicken Pasta

If you love Mediterranean flavors, this chicken pasta recipe will become a favorite.  This recipe uses fresh ingredients and is a light, delicious pasta dish, suitable for weeknight dinner or for guests. Adopted from our stepdad (Captain Ric), we have been making this dish for about 20 years.  It brings fond memories of family sailing trips in the Caribbean, as this recipe was always on the menu.  Light yet savory,…
Tomatillos, 1 onion, 1 head of garlic, 1 jalapeno, and cilantro gathered in a wood platter.
Tomatillo Sauce Cinco de MayoSauces
February 22, 2024

Tomatillo Sauce

We love this versatile tomatillo sauce made from fresh, roasted ingredients.  And, it is so easy!  Use this tomatillo sauce as a stand alone dip or to change things up on everyday tacos or in chicken enchiladas.     The Tomatillo Sauce Ingredients I am always inspired to make this tomatillo sauce when I see the produce section has plentiful, fresh tomatillos. For this sauce, you will need 10-12 medium…
Italian sausage & bean soup prepared in a white bowl
Italian Sausage & Bean Soup Cold Weather ComfysDinnerPorkSoupsSoups
February 15, 2024

Italian Sausage & Bean Soup

If you are looking for an all in one, hearty, and delicious any night meal, this Italian sausage and bean soup is perfect. We tend to prefer and therefore make it in fall and winter months, as it lends itself to those seasons.  It is a recipe that has been evolving over time, depending on what veggies are in the fridge and which pasta is available in the pantry.  Also,…
2 pork carnitas tacos on a white plate
Pork Carnitas for Tacos Cinco de MayoCrock-PotDinnerMain DishesPorkSuperbowl
January 27, 2024

Pork Carnitas for Tacos

Pork carnitas tacos is a family favorite, as it is perfect for all seasons, large or small groups and leftovers! We love the flavorful, tender meat and the fresh taco toppings that are served with it.  Oh, and it's also super easy to make, which is a definite plus. For this carnitas recipe, we recommend using a 3-4 lb pork shoulder (or you could use pork "butt" which is considered…
Beef and seasoning cooking in a pan
Beef Taco Seasoning Beef & SteakCinco de MayoDinnerKids Favorites
January 27, 2024

Beef Taco Seasoning

This is a simple taco seasoning recipe, yet it adds so much flavor to ground beef, making it perfect for everyday tacos or taco bowls. Beef Taco Seasoning Ingredients Of course, it is much easier to buy prepackaged taco seasoning, which we have done many times. However, you actually likely have most of the ingredients for a great seasoning already.   In fact, this recipe evolved over times in which I…
queso dip prepared in a bowl, garnished with 3 tortilla chips
Texas Style Queso Dip AppetizersCinco de MayoDipsHappy HourSuperbowl
January 26, 2024

Texas Style Queso Dip

This hearty Texas-style queso dip is easy and delicious; it is perfect for football-watching parties!  This dip is made with real cheese!  However, we grew up on the Velveeta cheese and Rotel version of queso, which was a highlight to many gatherings over the years.  Since then, we have adapted this recipe a bit using a variety of real cheeses (not Velveeta) and adding ground beef, onions, and spices.  There…